What We Do

Women’s Social and
Economic Empowerment

Child Education

Engaging with Youth
How we do it
Zalkari dreams of a society, which is resourceful, productive, interdependent and this is quite an expensive task. It is only possible if each member of society consciously contributes and participates in making the land livable.
We work with two pronged facets: Enabling people develop their consciousness through education and awareness and change their minds and beliefs as well as collaborating with local and state institutions to alter, execute and develop just policies for the betterment of people’s lives.
We carry out this mission through a variety of programs and there are multiple channels to root them on ground. We make it through on our own, we align and liaison with organizations and also we liaison with local authorities and systems.
Our Emphasis
Encouragement, Enhancement, and Empowerment are believed to be the three strong pillars on which Zalkari stands. These pillars can’t stand alone in isolation without the support of varied resources and these resources can be in the form of human support, money or measures.
Zalkari encourages communities to identify their vulnerable situations and improve their ability to cope with these vulnerabilities. The community itself develops strategies to deal with and break the vicious circle of vulnerability through information, education and secure livelihoods.
Documentation, Research and Publication
Scripts and content help people become familiar with their environment and development needs. We study, create, publish and disseminate materials with a broader perspective on social change, participation and empowerment.
Skill Enhancement
We channelize skill enhancement programs for youth and women in the communities. Skills such as cognitive skills, interpersonal skills, are necessary to define one's ability to conduct particular professional activities.
Library Program
Library allows children and young people to see the world from the little window of literature. It can act as a local museum of sorts, displaying the information, and providing education and entertainment to the masses.